California’s SB 326 and SB 721 Laws

A7 Group understands the complex dynamics that are often associated with identifying deficiencies and achieving repairs in aging communities. Our team of licensed professionals has a unique skill set with diverse backgrounds in architecture, engineering, construction, construction management, consulting, and forensics.

Our inspection process includes; review of original construction drawings, planning meeting, site inspection, reporting and follow up with the HOA and local jurisdiction. Upon completion of the visual inspections, we will draft a detailed summary of findings report which will identify the current physical condition of all Exterior Elevated Elements (EEEs), the expected useful life of the building components, and any repair recommendations/ scope of work.

“I feel that the residents were very pleased with the inspectors as well. The level of professionalism is feedback I received after the balcony inspections. Their scheduling was so detailed and they arrived on time to each unit. I would recommend A7 Group for the required Senate Bill 326 balcony inspections.” - Hudson Management Services, INC